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Updated: Jun 20, 2023

It’s almost the New Years and many people will be making New Years resolutions to lose weight and get in shape. What has helped me the most this past year is making different kinds of protein muffins to have when I get a sweet craving. Here is one of my favorites



16g sugar free fat free vanilla pudding mix

2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 cup baking stevia

243g egg whites

8oz unsweetened almond milk

140g frozen blueberries


1. In a medium size bowl mix together coconut flour, oat flour, protein powder, baking powder, jello mix, baking stevia and salt. Set aside.

2. In a large bowl mix together egg whites and almond milk. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix well. Fold in blueberries.

3. Fill each muffin liner equally as bake at 350 degrees for 20-23 minutes.

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