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Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Mexican Food is my weakness. I could eat it everyday. If you ask me what restaurant I would go to 9 times out of 10 I would say Mexican food, but most Mexican food is filled with fats and carbs. Since I started macro counting I prefer to make my own food now. I have made a

couple different macro friendly enchiladas recipes, but this one is my favorite. I know it might sound weird at first putting greek yogurt in your enchiladas but you won't even notice it. Now go make them and let me know how you like them.



56g (1/2 cup) reduced fat shredded cheese

1/2 tsp taco seasoning

Salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9 x 13 inch baking pan with non-stick cooking spray.

2. In a medium size mixing bowl, mix together shredded chicken, Rotel, greek yogurt, taco seasoning, salt and pepper.

3. Spoon 50g of chicken mixture in the center of each tortilla. Rolled the tortilla and place in baking dish. Repeat until finished.

4. Pour salsa verde over top of enchiladas. Sprinkle with cheese.

5. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

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Aug 09, 2023

Same question how many per serving?


Joni Sheets
Joni Sheets
May 23, 2021

Is the serving for this one enchilada or 3? When I log on MFP it says three enchiladas per serving for 130 calories, but the nutrition label here shows 1 enchilada is 130 calories?


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