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Updated: May 18, 2024


Reverse dieting is a concept in nutrition where you gradually increase your caloric intake

after a prolonged period of cutting calories.

This allows your body to adjust to theincreased

caloric intake while avoiding rapid weight gain.

The goal is to slowly raise your metabolism

and help your body get back to a healthy

balance. It is often used as a way to prevent

excessive weight gain after a period of calorie


how to reverse diet


1. Start slow: It is important to start with a small increase in calories to allow your body to adjust. Typically, I like to increase calories 50-100 per week. For example if you're ending your diet at 1400 calories you can increase them to 1450 or 1500. I personal prefer to add 100 calories the first week. Remember those calories will go towards fats and carbs. You protein should always stay the same no matter if you're in a dieting phase or maintenance calories.

2. Track your progress: Keep track of your weight, body measurements, and biofeedback during the reverse dieting process. This can help you determine if you need to make any adjustments to your calorie intake. But remember it is normal for your weight to fluctuate and increase a little. You're consuming more food volume.

3. Focus on nutrient-dense foods: As you gradually increase your calories, make sure to choose nutrient-dense foods that provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. This is important because most people think because the diet is over they can go back to their old eating habits.

4. Stay consistent: Consistency is key to successfully reverse dieting. I know we can get stuck in our heads and feel like it is too much food but it is important to not stay in a deficit forever.

5. Be patient: Reverse dieting is a slow and steady process. Be patient and give your body time to adjust to the increased caloric intake. If mentally you need to increase every 2 weeks that is fine but remember the end goal is to get to maintenance calories as fast as you can.

If you need help with coaching or reverse dieting I offer 8 or 12 week plans or macro counts.

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