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Updated: Jun 15, 2023

I'm so excited to share that I'm Pregnant. If you follow me on instagram then you already know. I have waited for this day for so long and so excited to share this journey with all of you.

August 17, 2019 was the night I found out I was pregnant. I was four days late on my period and didn't have the normal symptoms I normally get telling me that my period was coming. My husband had got off work late that Saturday night and wanted ice cream I guess that should of told me I was pregnant but he was the one having cravings. We went to Walmart to get him ice cream so I decided to grab a pregnancy test. My husband said maybe you should wait a little so you don't get disappointed but I wanted to know if it was negative or positive. I came home and took the test right away and seeing those two pink lines brought me to tears. I couldn't believe it was positive after being told by so many doctors that I would never get pregnant on my own without fertility drugs due to my PCOS.

Now I have had a lot of people ask how I got pregnant without going on fertility drugs. While this is my story and what worked for me remember we are all different. I went off birth control in May. Actually took my last pill May 16 on my flight home from Hawaii. Going off birth control for the first time in 18 years was scary I didn't know how my body would react or how my periods would be. All I could think about was the horrible painful heavy periods I had as a teenager. My husband and I didn't even have the talk of trying to get pregnant. To be honest I didn't want to add the stress to myself in the fear of getting disappointed but deep down inside I said to myself what if it were to happen? A week after I went off birth control a friend sent me a podcast by Dr Jolene Bright on post birth control syndrome. I listened to her podcast and also read a lot of her blogs. I started seed cycling right away to regulate my periods. I had heard of seed cycling perviously but really never researched it until after listening to her podcast. While I believe the seed cycling help regulate my periods I also have to thank my three year health and fitness journey. I believe losing over 10% body fat helped a lot in controlling my PCOS. Other things I had paid attention to before going off birth control was getting enough sleep nightly, lowering my overall stress, fueling my body with enough calories and micronutrients, and not working out like a crazy women.

Thank you all for all the sweet messages and support so far. Heres to a new journey and finally becoming a mom and dad.


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