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Updated: Jun 14, 2023

As many of you know if you follow me on Instagram (@macro_miranda) that we recently took a trip to Maui. I was asked by many my tips for flying with a one year old, so I thought I would share. Remember I am no pro at this just a normal mom trying to make it through the day most of the time.

First, I will share that London is very mobile

right now and doesn't sit still. She just turned

one two weeks before we left for Maui and

started walking recently too. So if you know

anything about a toddler when they learn a

new skill they want to practice that skill more

and more.

Tip #1 Book them their own seat for long flights

Under two they can fly for free as a lap rider. But our flight was 6.5 hours on the way there and 5.5 hours on the way home, so I knew there was no way that London would sit on our lap for that long. So right away we booked her her own seat so we could take her carseat on the plane. We also got a seat that had a wall in front of us, so we had extra room and I could let London play on the floor and get some of her wiggles out. Another thing that made our flight amazing is we had the best people around us. I know we can't choose who we sit by but they made the flight even that much better.

Tip #2 Treats

Bring lots of treats, more then you think you will need. I brought HappyBaby teether crackers, HappyBaby Oat bars, and fruit/veggies squeeze packets. I also have these for the squeeze packets so they don't make a mess everywhere. Also if you need milk or formula make sure you bring plenty. Most airlines don't have either on the airplanes.

Tip #3 Toys

Buy a couple new toys before you leave and don't let them have them until you're on the plane. Try to give them one at a time because as we all know little ones attention spans are really short.

Tip #4 Check in

Check in as many things as you can so you're not carrying a lot of stuff to the gate.

What we traveled with:

We took our Uppababy Vista Stroller with Uppababy Mesa carseat. She is about out of her infant carseat but it does make it nice that her carseat just clicks into the stroller so we didn't have to bring the toddler seat. You can check your stroller at the gate on most airlines. I would suggest checking your carseat with your bags if you're not going to use it on the plane.

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