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Updated: Jun 15, 2023

Sometimes I wonder how I went most of my life not eating bell peppers because now they're one of my favorite vegetables. My favorites are the red and orange ones because they're sweeter. I will say I still don't eat a lot of the green ones. Now onto this Turkey Stuffed Bell

Peppers this recipes is easy to make and you

can have dinner done for the whole family in

less than 40 minutes.


1 pound extra lean ground turkey

4 bell peppers

120g zucchini, diced

56g mozzarella cheese



1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cut bell peppers in half from top to bottom. Wash and remove seeds. Place bell peppers on baking pan cut side up. Bake bell peppers for 15 minutes.

2. Meanwhile heat a large frying pan over medium heat. Brown ground turkey until no longer pink in the middle seasoning with garlic powder, basil, salt, and pepper. Add zucchini and diced tomatoes. Mix well.

3. Remove bell peppers from oven and fill evenly with meat mixture. Top with shredded cheese.

4. Bake for another 15-20 minutes. Enjoy!

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